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24 Jan 2025
![]() The diversity of radial variations of wood properties in European beech reveals the plastic nature of juvenile woodALMERAS Tancrède, JULLIEN Delphine, LIU Shengquan, LOUP Caroline, GRIL Joseph, THIBAUT Bernard https://hal.science/hal-04133248Recommendation of an interesting analysis of ontogenic and adaptive variations in local wood properties in European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)Recommended by Erwin DreyerThe mechanics of wood as a material for construction, furniture, pulp and other uses have been addressed in a very large number of papers and are a well-established field for both research and technical applications (for example among many others, see Pöhler et al., 2006 for beechwood). In addition to such approaches that derive from material sciences, further developments based on similar physical concepts addressed the questions raised by the biomechanics of the standing and the growing tree which requires some degree of postural control and sensing of specific signals (gravity, movements…; see for instance Fournier et al. 2013; Dlouha et al., 2025). Within this field of research, the question of the correlation of wood anatomy (diameter of xylem tracheids or vessels, fibre content and angles, vessel wall thickness… ) and biomechanical properties is of prime importance, and specific responses of wood and bark components have been identified over the last decades. In particular the occurrence of reaction wood generates local strains and contributes to the postural control (Ruelle, 2014). In this preprint, Almeras et al. address a complementary question related to the properties of juvenile wood in trees. During the first years of the growth of young trees, the annual tree rings display quite specific properties (large tree rings, less dense wood, …) that gradually change with age and dimensions of the trees until reaching a range of values typical for adult trees. During the first years, the interannual changes might follow an ontogenetic trajectory mainly related to age (and dimensions) while in later stages, they appear to be strongly controlled by environment (wind, soil fertility, site index, irradiance, water availability, ...). All these changes result in radial profiles along tree rings (from the pith to the bark) of three main features that govern the biomechanical properties of wood, namely the width of the annual tree ring, the local specific gravity (wood density), and the specific modulus which contributes with density to the local modulus of elasticity (Fournier et al. 2013). Such gradients of local wood properties within stems have been analysed and synthesised in the last years (Lachenbruch et al. 2011, Meinzer et al. 2014). Here, the authors address the question of local variations of such properties within tree stems as a function of the distance to the pith (inversely related to the age of the trees when the ring was formed) in a broadleaved species, European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). They checked whether ring width, specific gravity and specific modulus display systematic trends from pith to bark across tree stems, and whether these trends enable the detection of a general ontogenic (age-related) effect with very similar patterns in juvenile wood of different individuals, or whether adaptive factors (modulated by the environment and by the mechanical constraints induced by the postural control of growth) dominate already in juvenile wood, like it does at later stages. Such questions were already analysed in the wood of some coniferous species (softwood with tracheids), but less frequently in hardwood species (angiosperms, like Beech with its diffuse porous wood anatomy). Before starting the analysis of age-related tree ring properties in juvenile wood, the authors addressed the potential impact of duraminisation, which affects the oldest tree rings in the inner wood (that is those formed during the juvenile growth stages). Duraminisation results from local deposition of a number of secondary metabolites and results in the build-up of heartwood; in the case of beech however, reddish heartwood is less present than in other species (Knoke, 2003). Almeras et al showed here that the occurrence of reddish wood did only marginally affect the mechanical properties and contributed only marginally to the observed variations among trees The very solid experimental design enabled the authors to clearly assign a fraction of the observed variation in the three parameters to (i) the site where trees had grown, (ii) to the individuals within these sites and (iii) to the position of the ring within the stem. The intraindividual component of the variation was much larger than the former. However, the observed asymmetry in the patterns of ring properties in juvenile wood, and the large variability in these patterns among trees led the authors conclude that the ontogenic juvenility effects, visible in ring width were largely dominated by other effects influenced by the local environment. In this respect, the results differ from those that were recorded earlier with Pinus taeda L. in a plantation (i.e., trees of the same age and homogenous spatial distribution, Bendtsen and Senft, 1986). The recommended version of the preprint is very original as it shows how local (radial) variations of biomechanical wood properties can be addressed in a systematic way. This lead to novel approaches that share light on the processes governing wood formation in trees. The first version of the preprint was submitted over a year ago. The recommended version differs in many respects from the initial one. The two rounds of reviews with external reviewers, and the additional one with the recommender resulted in an in-depth reorganisation of the statistical analysis and of the demonstration. This took some time, but shows also the benefits that may be gained during an open peer review process like the one developed by the Peer Community in…. References Bendtsen BA, Senft J. 1986. Mechanical and anatomical properties in individual growth rings of plantation-grown eastern cottonwood and loblolly pine. Wood Fiber Sci 18: 23-38. Dlouhá J, Moulia B, Fournier, M et al. 2025 Beyond the perception of wind only as a meteorological hazard: importance of mechanobiology for biomass allocation, forest ecology and management. Ann For Sci 82, 1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13595-024-01271-6 Fournier M, Dlouha J, Jaouen G, Alméras T. 2013. Integrative biomechanics for tree ecology: beyond wood density and strength. J Exp Bot, 64, 4793-4815. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ert279 Knoke T. 2003 Predicting red heartwood formation in beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.)? Ecol. Model. 169, 289-312. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00276-X Lachenbruch, B., Moore, J.R., Evans, R. (2011). Radial Variation in wood structure and function in woodypPlants, and hypotheses for its occurrence. In: Meinzer, F., Lachenbruch, B., Dawson, T. (eds) Size- and age-related changes in tree structure and function. Tree Physiology, vol 4. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-1242-3_5 Longuetaud F, Mothe F, Santenoise P, Diop N, Dlouha J, Fournier M, Deleuze C. 2017. Patterns of within-stem variations in wood specific gravity and water content for five temperate tree species. Ann For Sci 74:64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-017-0657-7 Meinzer, F., Lachenbruch, B., Dawson, T. (eds). 2014. Size- and age-related changes in tree structure and function. Tree Physiology, vol 4. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-1242-3_5 Pöhler E, Klingner R, Künniger T. 2006. Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) - Technological properties, adhesion behaviour and colour stability with and without coatings of the red heartwood. Ann For Sci 63: 129-137. https://doi.org/10.1051/forest:2005105 Ruelle J. 2014. Morphology, anatomy and ultrastructure of reaction wood. In: Gardiner B, Barnett J, Saranpää P, Gril J (eds) The Biology of Reaction Wood. Springer Series in Wood Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10814-3_2 Cite the recommended preprint: Almeras Tancrède, Jullien Delphine, Liu Shengquan, Loup Caroline, Gril Joseph, Thibaut Bernard (2025) The diversity of radial variations of wood properties in European beech reveals the plastic nature of juvenile wood. HAL, ver.6 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Forest and Wood Sciences https://hal.science/hal-04133248 | The diversity of radial variations of wood properties in European beech reveals the plastic nature of juvenile wood | ALMERAS Tancrède, JULLIEN Delphine, LIU Shengquan, LOUP Caroline, GRIL Joseph, THIBAUT Bernard | <p>The long -term (as opposed to short-term intra-ring) radial variation of wood properties in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) from pith to bark are largest in the young ages of the tree (internal core). This so-called juvenility reflects both... | ![]() | Wood properties and wood products | Erwin Dreyer | 2023-07-01 10:42:48 | View | |
09 Jan 2025
![]() Tree growth in West African cocoa agroforestry systems : high timber yields and superior performance of natural regenerationAimé K. Kouassi, Irié C. Zo-Bi, Bruno Hérault, Isaac K. Konan, Marie R. Dago, Baptiste Lasbats, Sylvain Schmitt, Anny E. N'Guessan, Raphaël Aussenac https://hal.science/hal-04638492Allowing natural forest regeneration to provide shelter for cocoa trees in tropical agroforestryRecommended by Bernard ThibautScientific context A large part of deforestation in Ivory Coast is due to cocoa plantations, but the need for timber is increasing with population growth. A good compromise for farmers should be for agroforestry to combine cocoa and timber income. Tree for timber management may come from natural regeneration by the large diversity of available seed stock in the cocoa plots, fostering the safeguarding of biodiversity (Vroh et al. 2019, Kouassi et al. 2024) Questions, hypotheses, methodology Besides trade-off with cocoa productivity, this very new way of practising agroforestry raises many questions about timber productivity, the geometry of trunks or timber quality in connection with population needs. Agroforestry trees should be less slender with lower branches than forest trees. This was studied here by Kouassi et al. (2024) using a very large sampling (150 plots) that covered the whole cocoa production zone on the south Ivory Coast. The description of many trees, including diameter at breast height, log height and tree age, allowed accurate modelling of tree growth and building of growth trajectories for 23 species of commercial interest. Main results and interpretations Using modelled diameter growth and bole volume trajectories, associated with the ongoing rule for harvesting based on minimum logging diameter, makes it possible to predict timber harvesting at different ages of the cocoa plantation. Moreover, natural regeneration proves to be more efficient than plantation using saplings, but logs are more conical and with lower branches than their counterparts in natural forests, as expected. Recommendation This is a very interesting paper on agroforestry for fruit (cocoa) and timber production, full of interesting data coming from a large number of study areas (150 plots) where both spontaneous (natural regeneration from past forest seeds) or planted fast-growing trees are used. Using a Bayesian scheme, models are built to predict (1) the changes in diameter with tree age, (2) the relationship between diameter and height, and (3) the relationship between tree dimensions and bole volume. Predictions about the change in bole volume with age are deduced from these models. This makes it possible to build scenarios for adding value to the wood produced by the agroforestry system, depending on the current or future technical and socio-economic context. References Kouassi AK, Zo-Bi IC, Hérault B, Konan IK, Dago MR, Lasbats B, Schmitt S, N'Guessan AE, Aussenac R (2024) Tree growth in West African cocoa agroforestry systems: high timber yields and superior performance of natural regeneration. HAL, ver.2 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Forest and Wood Sciences https://hal.science/hal-04638492 Vroh TA, Abrou NEJ, Gone BI, Adou Yao CY (2019). Système agroforestier à cacaoyers en Côte d’Ivoire : connaissances existantes et besoins de recherche pour une production durable. Rev. Mar. Sci. Agron. Vét. (2019) 7 (1): 99-109.
| Tree growth in West African cocoa agroforestry systems : high timber yields and superior performance of natural regeneration | Aimé K. Kouassi, Irié C. Zo-Bi, Bruno Hérault, Isaac K. Konan, Marie R. Dago, Baptiste Lasbats, Sylvain Schmitt, Anny E. N'Guessan, Raphaël Aussenac | <p>In West Africa, where over 80% of original forests have been lost to agriculture, finding alternative timber sources is critical for regional needs and sustainability. The widespread development of agroforestry could be a promising source of ti... | ![]() | Conservation and restoration, Forest ressources and dynamics, Silviculture and forest management | Bernard Thibaut | 2024-07-08 14:29:01 | View | |
03 Sep 2024
![]() PDG-Arena: An ecophysiological model for characterizing tree-tree interactions in heterogeneous and mixed standsCamille Rouet, Hendrik Davi, Arsène Druel, Bruno Fady, Xavier Morin https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.09.579667Is it possible to model and predict the growth of mixed-forests under a changing climate : some answers provided by the new model « PDG-Arena » developed on the CAPSIS platform.Recommended by Erwin DreyerThis interesting preprint develops a new model with a quite strange name (see below why this name was used by the authors) that aims at describing the growth of mixed forests (it may also be used for monospecific forests with a regular or irregular structure). It is based on two main features: it is a process-based model that integrates a tree-tree interaction module. The model derives from the modelling framework « Physio-demo-genetics model PDG » developed earlier at INRAE-Avignon, and « Castanea », developed at Orsay and Avignon as a widely used stand-level process-based model. « Arena » underlines the competition between trees in mixed stands. The « PDG-Arena » model was developed on the Capsis platform (https://capsis.cirad.fr/capsis/presentation), which is a shared platform for the development of tree growth models under a very open framework maintained by several French institutions. The reviewers and the recommender saw two important strengths in the preprint : (i) PDG-Arena is definitely a significant improvement when compared to the existing models and may be used for accurately predicting the growth and dynamics of mixed stands ; (ii) it was validated against an impressive data set gained in a quite impressive network of mixed stands of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) with a 5-year growth analysis at individual tree level (based on two detailed surveys at individual tree level. PDG-Arena could properly predict the growth of these stands and showed significant improvements for the existing models. During the review process, many important questions were raised, some directly related to the manuscript (which the authors addressed very convincingly during the revision of the first version of the preprint), and some refering to more general debates around predictive forest growth models able to integrate long-term changes. For instance, the long-lasting debate opposing the proponents of process-based forest growth models (that might require a large number of sometimes difficult-to-document processes leading to growth predictions, Forrester et al. 2016) and phenomenological models that directly link actual (recorded) growth and stand dynamics to climate and soil variables, is not yet settled. Both approaches display strengths and weaknesses. Similarly, the ability of both families of models to predict the impact of extreme events induced by climate change (like severe drought episodes associated to high temperatures likely to happen at higher frequencies in the near future) remains to be assessed and is the main challenge for this area of research. A second question that raises large interest is whether mixed forest stands display a larger resilience to future climate changes than monospecific and homogenous stands. Camille Rouet and his colleagues present convincing results that this is the case (both using their model and from the recorded data). However, there is still debate whether the observed over-yielding in mixed forests under favourable conditions will be maintained under severe drought episodes and after a return to more favourable water availability and moderate temperatures (Jourdan et al, 2019; Jourdan et al, 2020). The model is available for testing under the condition of participating to the CAPSIS community (which gives access to the shared resources available on the platform. The codes and data used to test the performance of the model can be accessed on the Zenodo data repository. This preprint should open the way for fruitful cooperation and further improvements in a very important area for forest science in the near future. References Camille Rouet, Hendrik Davi, Arsène Druel, Bruno Fady, Xavier Morin (2024) PDG-Arena: An ecophysiological model for characterizing tree-tree interactions in heterogeneous and mixed stands. bioRxiv, ver.3 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Forest and Wood Sciences https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.09.579667 Jourdan, M., Kunstler, G., Morin, X., 2020. How neighbourhood interactions control the temporal stability and resilience to drought of trees in mountain forests. Journal of Ecology 108, 666–677. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13294 Jourdan, M., Lebourgeois, F., Morin, X., 2019. The effect of tree diversity on the resistance and recovery of forest stands in the French Alps may depend on species differences in hydraulic features. Forest Ecology and Management 450, 117486. https://doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117486 Forrester, D.I., Bauhus, J., 2016. A Review of Processes Behind Diversity Productivity Relationships in Forests. Current Forestry Reports 2, 45–61. https://doi:10.1007/s40725-016-0031-2 Mey, R., Zell, J., Thürig, E. et al. , 2022. Tree species admixture increases ecosystem service provision in simulated spruce- and beech-dominated stands. European Journal of Forest Research 141, 801–820 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-022-01474-4 | PDG-Arena: An ecophysiological model for characterizing tree-tree interactions in heterogeneous and mixed stands | Camille Rouet, Hendrik Davi, Arsène Druel, Bruno Fady, Xavier Morin | <p>In the context of the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises, mixed forest stands are increasingly considered as a sustainable management alternative to monocultures. We developed a new individual-based and process-based forest growth model, P... | ![]() | Functional forest ecology | Erwin Dreyer | 2024-02-12 11:14:08 | View | |
15 Apr 2024
Demographic and genetic impacts of powdery mildew in a young oak cohortBenoit Barrès, Cyril Dutech, Gilles Saint-Jean, Catherine Bodénès, Christian Burban, Virgil Fievet, Camille Lepoittevin, Pauline Garnier-Géré, Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.22.546164An interesting analysis of the interactions between English oaks (Quercus robur L.) and powdery mildew (Erisyphe sp.) at tree population level.Recommended by Erwin DreyerThis preprint is recommended after a round of reviews by two external reviewers and the recommender and a careful revision of the initial text. The revision addressed all the the concerns raised by the reviewers and myself acting as recommender. I commend the authors for the care taken in the revision process and in addressing all concerns raised by the referees. The preprint is now in a status anabling a very positive recommendation, and I am convinced that PCI friendly journals will be keen to publish it given the quality of the contribution to Forest Pathology and Epidemiology as well as to and Forest Ecology. Indeed, the preprint adresses an important topic in forest ecology and forest management. Powdery mildew (due to a complex of fungi species of Erysiphe spp.) is a very frequent pathogen affecting oaks and mainly English oak (Quercus robur L.), a widespread species in Western European forests which bears great ecological and economic interests (see Marçais and Desprez-Loustau, 2014, for a review). Young regenerations are mostly affected by the disease, which infects young, unfoldling leaves and leads to severe reductions in photosynthesis (Hajji et al, 2009) and in some cases to tree dieback in young regenerations, and sometimes in older trees in the case of repeated infestations over several years, or combinations with defoliaitions by processionnary moths (Thaumetopoea processionea L.). Powdery mildew was introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and caused initially very severe damage in oak stands; currently, damage is much less prevalent, probably due to a co-evolution of the oak host and the pathogen (Desprez-Loustau and Marçais, 2019). The present investigation adds very interesting and important information to our current knowledge of this disease, and addresses in particular the genetic variability of susceptibility to the disease among oak families and the effect of the disease on the survival of seedlings in the long run. Five main research questions were addressed: i. How does powdery mildew affect juvenile survival; ii. Is the survival rate differing among oak families? iii. Does powdery mildew infection reduce the differences of fitness among oak families? iv. Does powdery mildew impact the genetic diversity of oak populations? v. Are there significant genetic associations between some genetic loci and seedling survival? These questions are important for unerstanding the evolution of a pathosystem like the powdery mildew/English oak system and for explaining the past dynamics of this pathosystem, which resulted in a dicrease in virulence of the disease since its introduction in Europe. The preprint reports results from a very original and solid experimental design based on the cultivation in the field of 15 oak progenies comprising 1733 indivduals over a quite long time span (9 years) and recurrent observations of growth, survival, infection intensity, ... A control group was protected against the pathogen by application of a fungicide. Moreover, a large number of individuals were genotyped, using single nucleatide polymorphism (SNP) allowing the detection of some candidate loci, and preparing future genome-wide association studies. The results are quite clear, and add very important elements to our understaning of this interesting and evolving pathosystem present in mots of the western European oak forests. This preprint is of particular interest since such approaches, which are becoming common in cultivated crops, have only seldom been applied to natural pathosystems despite their importance for the dynamics of forest ecosystems under the increasing impact of climate change. In brief, this is an important preprint that brings a large set of new data and addresses the urgent question of epidemiology of diseases in forest ecosystems. References Barrès B, Dutech C, Saint-Jean G, Bodénès C, Burban C, Fiévet V, Lepoittevin C, Garnier-Géré P, Desprez-Loustau M-L (2024) Demographic and genetic impacts of powdery mildew in a young oak cohort. bioRxiv, 2023.06.22.546164, ver. 2 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Forest and Wood Science. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.22.546164 Desprez-Loustau ML, Hamelin FM, Marçais B (2019) The ecological and evolutiionary trajectory of oak powdery mildew in Europe. In: Wilson K, Fenton A, Tompkins D, Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to Data and Application. Ecological Reviews. Cambridge University Press, 978-1-107-13656-4. | Demographic and genetic impacts of powdery mildew in a young oak cohort | Benoit Barrès, Cyril Dutech, Gilles Saint-Jean, Catherine Bodénès, Christian Burban, Virgil Fievet, Camille Lepoittevin, Pauline Garnier-Géré, Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau | <p style="text-align: justify;">The demographic and genetic impacts of powdery mildew on the early stages of an oak population were studied in an <em>ad hoc</em> field design with two disease exposures. This enabled a detailed phenotypic monitorin... | Interactions between trees and microorganisms, Population dynamics and genetics of forest trees | Erwin Dreyer | 2023-06-30 00:23:58 | View | ||
08 Aug 2023
![]() Pollen contamination and mating structure in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) clonal seed orchards revealed by SNP markersLaurent Bouffier, Sandrine Debille, Pierre Alazard, Annie Raffin, Patrick Pastuszka, Jean-François Trontin https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.27.509769New insights in seed orchards pollen contamination, study case in an advanced breeding programRecommended by Ricardo Alia based on reviews by Eduardo Notivol and 1 anonymous reviewerThis preprint (Bouffier et al, 2023) analyses different biological (tree genotype, age, flowering phenology) and environmental factors (vicinity with external pollen sources, orchard structure, soil type, climatic conditions) with influence on the of seed lots in seed orchards of an important forest tree species (Pinus pinaster Ait.). The analysis is based on an optimized set of 60 SNP markers that constitute a new tool for characterizing improved material in the breeding program of the species. One of the main questions when managing seed orchard is to obtain a precise estimation of pollen contamination, as it causes major losses to genetic improvement from selection and breeding (Di Giovanni and Kevan, 19911) but also will determine the adaptive potential of the species (Kremer et al. 2012). The results indicate that contamination rates were highly variable between seed lots (from 20 to 96%), with a mean value of 50%). The main factors determining these rates include the distance between the seed orchard and external pollen sources, rain during the pollination period, seed orchard age, soil conditions and seed parent identity. A second point of interest in this paper is the determination of the overall self-fertilization rate. This factor also determines the quality of the seed-lots and was estimated as 5.4%, with high variability between genotypes (from 0% to 26%). The overall value is of the same order of magnitude than in other species. These results are used to define some recommendations for managing seed orchards in the French breeding program, but that can be generalized to other species (eg. Mullin and Lee, 2013). As an example, they recommend that sampling 100 seeds annually should be sufficient to estimate pollen contamination (with a standard error of 5%). Also, they suggest that one of the main measures to reduce pollen contamination is carefully selecting the location of the orchard, in terms of its distance from external pollen sources and soil conditions, and not collecting seeds from young trees (below 8 years old). The present preprint revisits an important topic of research with interest for the biology of tree species, but also with great implications in applied breeding activities. The main conclusions are essential to understand the importance of different factors in managing seed orchards and in the future performance of the reproductive material. In conclusion, this paper stresses the need for more studies, taking advantage of new genomic tools, to advance the knowledge of factors influencing the success of breeding programs. REFERENCES Bouffier L, Debille S, Alazard P, Raffin A, Pastuszka P, Trontin JF (2023). Pollen contamination and mating structure in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) clonal seed orchards revealed by SNP markers. bioRxiv, 2022.09.27.509769, ver. 2 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Forest and Wood Science. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.27.509769 Di-Giovanni F, Kevan PG (1991) Factors affecting pollen dynamics and its importance to pollen contamination: a review. Can J For Res 21(8):1155-1170. Mullin TJ, Lee SJ (2013) Best practice for tree breeding in Europe. Skogforsk, Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN: 530 978-91-977649-6-4. https://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/42acda01f83843bf925f690bd0a6ed37/best-practice-hela-low.pdf | Pollen contamination and mating structure in maritime pine (*Pinus pinaster* Ait.) clonal seed orchards revealed by SNP markers | Laurent Bouffier, Sandrine Debille, Pierre Alazard, Annie Raffin, Patrick Pastuszka, Jean-François Trontin | <p style="text-align: justify;">Maritime pine (<em>Pinus pinaster</em> Ait.) is a major forest tree species in south-western Europe. In France, an advanced breeding program for this conifer species has been underway since the early 1960s. Open-pol... | ![]() | Population dynamics and genetics of forest trees, Silviculture and forest management | Ricardo Alia | 2022-09-29 11:39:50 | View | |
03 May 2023
![]() Modelling the growth stress in tree branches: eccentric growth vs. reaction woodArnoul VAN ROOIJ, Eric BADEL, Jean Francois BARCZI, Yves CARAGLIO, Tancrède ALMERAS, Joseph GRIL https://hal.science/hal-03748026An important contribution to the description of growth stresses in branches of adult trees based on a new model and an optimisation process with digitised branches.Recommended by Erwin DreyerThis interesting article (van Rooij et al, 2023) proposes an innovative modelling approach to the question of the biomechanics of a growing branch. The main aim is to model the “growth stress” (Fournier et al, 2013) it is exposed to while developing its radial structure in response to increasing weight. The proposed model is very interesting and novel with respect to the existing literature on this important topic in tree biology. The model bases on two major components of the structure of a growing branch: the eccentricity (the branch is usually thicker vertically than horizontally, which may provide the strength to resist the weight) and the production of reaction wood (Barnett et al, 2014) on one side of the branch which produces asymmetric forces against gravity. The reaction wood is either tension wood (in hardwood trees, e.g., angiosperms) or compression wood (in softwood trees, e.g., gymnosperms). The model is clearly described and based on a number of explicit and already described concepts with some simplifications (no local irregularities like nodes or holes, only vertical bending taken into account, branch growing straight at a constant angle, …) whose potential effects are nicely discussed and on a reliable and detailed set of analytical equations. The model addresses the dynamic changes resulting from branch growth, i.e., mainly radial growth which results in an accumulation of wood and in increasing mass and “growth stress”. The model is tested during a virtual experiment using a small set of data from a large pine tree (taken as an example of a softwood conifer tree) and a cherry tree (taken as an example of a hardwood tree). The optimisation test uses the mean allometric values from 30 branches of each individual tree as an entry to the model. This test of the optimality of the model is a very useful prerequisite for the adoption of the model. One might however argue that some replicate examples from other tree species would have been welcome to better represent the potential inter-specific variability in the two groups (softwoods vs. hardwoods). Indeed, there is a lack of suitable data available to properly test the underlying hypotheses under different conditions (growth angles, wood densities, growth rate, branch aging, ….). However, the presented computations allow testing the plausibility of the model and of its main conclusions, with respect to some “growth stress” values reported in the literature. The results confirm that the contribution of reaction wood is dominant, even if the eccentricity of the branches bears a significant contribution in the two tested cases. The present preprint has the potential to act as the foundation for some additional research that might challenge its main conclusions and provide (hopefully) more support to the main conclusion that eccentricity plays a minor but still significant role in ensuring the stability of the growing branches and that the main stabilising effects are produced by reaction wood. This version of the preprint is now suitable for a recommendation. However, it still suffers a few minor typos and language issues that the authors might correct during further steps in the publication process (a final version as a preprint, or submission to a journal chosen by the authors). Among those typos, the fact that Prunus avium is a cherry tree and not a birch. Similarly, several references need be corrected and completed, and more care should be in general given to the scientific species names…. In conclusion, this modelling exercise and the optimisation procedure used here underline once more the importance of reaction wood as a stabiliser of the three-dimensional architecture of trees not only in the trunk (where it has been studied in detail), but also in the lateral and sometimes quite heavy branches. Anyway, I believe this preprint (and the version potentially published in a journal) will become an important reference for future research about the biomechanics of branches and of tree crowns in general, and that it will trigger further research in this direction. REFERENCES Arnoul van Rooij, Eric Badel, Jean-François Barczi, Yves Caraglio, Tancrede Almeras, and Joseph Gril. (2023) Modelling the growth stress in tree branches: eccentric growth vs. reaction wood. HAL, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Forest and Wood Science. https://hal.science/hal-03748026v4 Mériem Fournier, Jana Dlouha, Gaëlle Jaouen, Tancrède Almeras (2013). Integrative biomechanics for tree ecology: beyond wood density and strength. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (15), pp.4397- J.R. Barnett, Joseph Gril, Pekka Saranpää (2014) Introduction, In: The Biology of Reaction Wood, Springer Series in Wood Science, Springer (pub), Gardiner B., Barnett J., Saranpää P., Gril J (eds), p. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10814-3_1 | Modelling the growth stress in tree branches: eccentric growth vs. reaction wood | Arnoul VAN ROOIJ, Eric BADEL, Jean Francois BARCZI, Yves CARAGLIO, Tancrède ALMERAS, Joseph GRIL | <p style="text-align: justify;">This work aims to model the mechanical processes used by tree branches to control their posture despite their increasing weight loading. The two known options for a branch to maintain its orientation are the asymmet... | ![]() | Biology of wood in living trees | Erwin Dreyer | 2022-08-25 14:12:06 | View | |
03 Aug 2022
Fire and forest loss in the Dominican Republic during the 21st CenturyJose Ramon Martinez Batlle https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.15.448604Spatio-temporal fire and forest loss patterns in the Dominican RepublicRecommended by Pauline Garnier-Géré based on reviews by Kevin Cianfaglione and 2 anonymous reviewersFires in the Anthropocene, whether natural or human-induced, are among the main factors of deforestation, threatening forest resilience and biodiversity (Kelly et al. 2020). Fire events have also increased in occurrence and severity worldwide in the past decade (e.g. Whitman et al. 2022, Ribeiro et al. 2020). In this context, we need to better understand the links between fire occurrence and their impact on forest loss, especially in countries where such knowledge is lacking. The work by Martinez-Batlle addresses this need as it thoroughly describes forest loss and fire patterns across the forests of the Dominican Republic (DR), and systematically tests their spatial and temporal correlations across the DR regions since 2001. To this end, the author combines two independent databases from NASA: the Global Forest Change 2000-2018 data service, and remotely sensed data on fire/hotspot occurrence. The author then provides a state-of-the-art analysis pipeline that first shows significant spatial autocorrelations in both forest loss and fire density over the whole period, and each year across the period. Detailed maps of zonal statistics across hexagonal grids also illustrate clusters of either high or low forest loss and fire points, and distinguish small or large clearings. Second, these spatial dependencies are accounted for in spatial autoregressive models, and congruent patterns of forest loss and fire density are shown across the 2001-2018 period in the DR. This is consistent with the initial working hypothesis of a link between deforestation and slash and burn agriculture. Third, detailed time-series analyses and modelling show common cyclical patterns for forest loss areas in large clearings, number of small clearings, and fire density in the first 14 years, with no increasing trends. In contrast, fire density does not predict extensive forest loss in the eastern half of the country for most years. Finally, yearly maps clearly depict uncontrolled wildfires that impacted larger areas in recent years in both the central and southern mountain ranges of the DR. This work, therefore, provides a solid, detailed, and rigorous account of the current status of forest loss across the DR, and of its causes, either from recurrent fires due to shifting agriculture or from farming linked to tourism expansion. These results could be very useful for designing strategies adapted to each particular zone of the DR, for preventing human-induced fires or managing wildfires, and for planning post-fire reforestation. This is true, especially for core protected areas where an increasing trend of forest loss is identified in the last 8 years (up to 25% in some mountainous and inaccessible areas of the DR). In those areas, the author suggests implementing a natural regeneration program. Indeed, recent scientists’ warnings stress that fires should be accounted for when planning reforestation for climate change mitigation (Leverkus et al. 2022), with evidence in different ecosystems, that natural regeneration with local seed banks would benefit their post-fire recovery. As proposed by the author, this new knowledge for the DR should also help develop policies for managing forest fires and biodiversity, which are lacking in areas close to tourism facilities. More generally, this study offers methods and graphical representations that are likely to inspire future work with similar databases in other countries where data are scarce, on either spatial trends or temporal evolution of forest cover, or fire activities, or both. Kelly LT, Giljohann KM, Duane A, Aquilué N, et al. (2020). Fire and biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Science, 370(6519), eabb0355. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb0355 Leverkus AB, Thorn S, Lindenmayer DB, Pausas JG (2022) Tree planting goals must account for wildfires. Science 376(6593): 588-589. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abp8259 Martinez Batlle JR (2022) Fire and forest loss in the Dominican Republic during the 21st Century. bioRxiv, 2021.06.15.448604, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Forest and Wood Science. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.15.448604 Ribeiro LM, Viegas DX, Almeida M, McGee TX, et al. (2020) 2 - Extreme wildfires and disasters around the world: lessons to be learned. In F. Tedim, V. Leone, T.K. McGee (Eds.), Extreme Wildfire Events and Disasters, Elsevier Inc. 31-pp. 51. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815721-3.00002-3 Whitman et al. (2022) Climate-induced fire regime amplification in Alberta, Canada. Environ. Res. Lett. 17(5): 055003. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac60d6 | Fire and forest loss in the Dominican Republic during the 21st Century | Jose Ramon Martinez Batlle | <p>Forest loss is an environmental issue that threatens ecosystems in the Dominican Republic (the DR). Although shifting agriculture by slash-and-burn methods is thought to be the main driver of forest loss in the DR, empirical evidence of this re... | Forest history, Forest policies , Silviculture and forest management | Pauline Garnier-Géré | 2021-11-13 17:04:31 | View | ||
08 Jul 2022
![]() Mechanical characterisation of the developing cell wall layers of tension wood fibres by Atomic Force MicroscopyOlivier Arnould, Marie Capron, Michel Ramonda, Françoise Laurans, Tancrède Alméras, Gilles Pilate, Bruno Clair https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.23.461481“Touching the Void”Recommended by Barry Gardiner based on reviews by Meriem Fournier and Félix HartmannUnderstanding the processes allowing trees to orientate their stems and branches requires an understanding of the mechanical properties of individual cells. As the cells are formed, maturation stresses are created that can lead to the reorientation of the tree. But measuring the properties within the different wood cells produced in normal wood, tension wood or compression wood requires measurements at very fine spatial resolution and the wood cells must remain in-situ so that the cell mechanical characteristics are preserved. In the article of Arnould et al (2022), measurements of the mechanical characteristics of poplar tension wood were measured in comparison to normal wood at different distances from the cambium and therefore different levels of maturation. The work required incredible care to embed the wood in resin, to cut the wood with extremely sharp microtone blades in order to minimize artefacts in the measurements, and then ultra-careful atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements across cell walls from the edge of the lumen to the middle lamella at extremely high spatial resolution. The result is a detailed picture of the kinetic development and maturation of tension wood cells in a tree. The measurements showed that the G-layer reaches close to its final stiffness long before its final thickness, and this is different from the maturation kinetics of other cell wall layers where thickening and stiffening are generally synchronous. Finally, although the G-layer in poplar tension wood fibres and in flax phloem fibres are in many ways very similar there are clear differences in the kinetics of their development and maturation. The detailed information presented in this paper can therefore help to clarify the different hypothetical mechanisms proposed to explain excess stress generation in the tension wood of trees and help move us towards a full understanding of how the “muscles” of trees work. References Arnould O, Capron M, Ramonda M, Laurans F, Alméras T, Pilate G, Clair B (2022) Mechanical characterisation of the developing cell wall layers of tension wood fibres by Atomic Force Microscopy. bioRxiv, 2021.09.23.461481, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Forest and Wood Science. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.09.23.461481 | Mechanical characterisation of the developing cell wall layers of tension wood fibres by Atomic Force Microscopy | Olivier Arnould, Marie Capron, Michel Ramonda, Françoise Laurans, Tancrède Alméras, Gilles Pilate, Bruno Clair | <p style="text-align: justify;">Trees generate mechanical stresses at periphery of stem and branches to improve their strength and to control the orientation of their axes. This key factor in the biomechanical design of trees, named “maturation st... | ![]() | Biology of wood in living trees | Barry Gardiner | 2022-01-11 17:49:47 | View | |
12 Jul 2021
Tree growth forces and wood propertiesBernard Thibaut, Joseph Gril https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02984734Into the wood: the biomechanical history of trees revealed by their inner structureRecommended by Hervé Cochard based on reviews by Barry Gardiner and 1 anonymous reviewerTrees are constantly subjected to mechanical stresses (gravity, wind, storms) but they have a remarkable ability to remain upright despite their great size. Straightness is also major characteristic that greatly determines the quality and market value of a log. For some species, maritime pine in particular, this is even a default that geneticists are trying to correct through dedicated breeding programs (Bartholomé et al. 2016). If trees are able to maintain a straight trunk, or to return to straightness after a growth accident, for example, it is thanks to an "engine" whose mechanisms are now better known (Moulia et al. 2021). This mechanism lies in the structure of the trunk itself and the ability of trees to produce cells and tissues that display different mechanical properties during their maturation. Some fibers will "pull" the trunk in one direction, known as tension wood, while others will « push » it in the opposite direction (compression wood). The posture control of a tree is therefore directly related to the growth process of the trees and the placement of this reaction wood at specific points in the trunk. The internal structure of the trunk will therefore retain the memory of these growth constraints throughout its life and, if we are able to read it, we can envisage reconstructing its history over the years. This source of information contained in tree rings is still largely unexplored. However, it can reveal insights into the evolution of the climate, or help foresters to select the most valuable trees. Sophisticated approaches exist to measure these growth forces in wood, but the major difficulty remains our ability to read the mechanical properties with simpler, more widely used methods. The article by Thibaut and Gril (2021) proposes such a methodology. The approach used here is similar to the one used for other wood functions, such as sap transport: linking the mechanical function of wood to its structural properties. The transport capacity of wood is for example well explained by the distribution of vessel sizes. However, other interesting properties, such as resistance to cavitation, are only very weakly explained by the same anatomical characteristics. The authors, after analyzing the wood properties of many species, both tropical and temperate, conclude that growth forces can be deduced from variables that are relatively simple to measure, such as wood density or moduli of elasticity. The article provides a series of generic and more specific equations and relationships that allow these growth forces to be estimated. I recommend this article to people who want to learn about the principles and concepts of tree biomechanics. I also recommend it to people who want to further explore the mechanical properties of trees and who will be able to characterize them thanks to the method proposed here by the authors. References Bartholomé J, Bink MC, Heerwaarden J van, Chancerel E, Boury C, Lesur I, Isik F, Bouffier L, Plomion C (2016) Linkage and Association Mapping for Two Major Traits Used in the Maritime Pine Breeding Program: Height Growth and Stem Straightness. PLOS ONE, 11, e0165323. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0165323 Thibaut B, Gril J (2021) Tree growth forces and wood properties. HAL, hal-02984734, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer community in Forest and Wood Sciences. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02984734 Moulia B, Douady S, Hamant O (2021) Fluctuations shape plants through proprioception. Science, 372. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abc6868 | Tree growth forces and wood properties | Bernard Thibaut, Joseph Gril | <p style="text-align: justify;">Living wood in the tree performs a “muscular” action by generating forces at the sapwood periphery and residual strains in dead sapwood fibres. Dissymmetric force generation around the tree trunk is the “motor” syst... | Biology of wood in living trees , Wood properties and wood products | Hervé Cochard | 2020-11-06 10:41:38 | View | ||
15 Mar 2021
![]() Variability in seeds’ physicochemical characteristics, germination and seedling growth within and between two French Populus nigra L. populationsMarlène Lefebvre, Marc Villar, Nathalie Boizot, Armelle Delile, Benjamin Dimouro, Anne-Marie Lomelech, Caroline Teyssier https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2008.05744Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) seed physiology: an important issue for the in situ conservation of this riparian speciesRecommended by Erwin DreyerSeed physiology, which was a little forgotten in forest ecology since several decades, needs be revitalized as a research area given the many open questions about population dynamics and demography in rapidly changing environments (and not only for endangered species). Indeed, seed physiology was long mobilized mainly to optimize seed conservation and germination for the production of plant material in a range of tree species used for afforestation/plantation. In the case of back poplar (which by the way is the male genitor of the multiple hybrid Populus x euramerica poplar cultivars), the focus is rather on the conservation ecology of this riparian species, and mainly on in situ conservation (Lefèvre et al, 1998). Indeed, the protection of populations of Populus nigra L requires an improved understanding of the ecology of this species with a focus on reproduction. Indeed, black poplar seeds need to be rapidly disseminated, to germinate as soon as the conditions are favourable (with rather small time windows) and establish seedlings with access to water in the rather harsh environment of mobile and sandy river banks submitted to alternating periods of flooding and of severe water deficits during low river flows in summer (Imbert and Lefèvre, 2003; Corenblit et al, 2014; Tinschert et al, 2020). This process is therefore central to the propagation/maintenance of these populations that are threatened by the destruction of river banks and by introgression by either genes from the widespread “Italica” cultivar of black poplar, of from other poplar species leading to a variety of natural hybrids (Smulders et al, 2008). Many questions remain open about seeds of black poplar (Michalak et al, 2015). One of the most intriguing one is to what extent seed properties and physiology differ within and among local populations from different river catchments. This question was addressed in this preprint by Lefebvre et al. (2021) that provides a very detailed and comparative analysis of two populations from central and southern France, each represented by 10 half sib families (i.e., seed collected separately from 10 adult individuals after open pollination). Investigated properties were mainly seed biomass, anatomy, germination rate, root growth, lipid and sugar contents, protein content (with identification of some major protein families). The within populations variability was indeed quite large, but nevertheless there were significant differences between the two populations in several traits, like seed weight, lipid content, and starch content. Storage proteins differed among families, but only slightly between the two populations. However, the main conclusion was that intrinsic qualities of the seeds were not critical for early stage establishment in the two populations, despite some significant differences in mean seed biomass, in lipid and in soluble sugars contents. The preprint nicely analyses these differences, brings a large set of new observations about the seed physiology of Populus nigra. The referees found the data produced during this research quite important and original. This is why, despite the fact that the number of tested groups of populations remains rather small and the link with seedling establishment remains rather weak, this study is an important contribution to conservation ecology. This research (and that of many other groups) needs be further developed with an emphasis on inter and intra population variation and on demogenetics of forest tree species. References Corenblit D., Steiger J., González, E et al. (2014), The biogeomorphological life cycle of poplars during the fluvial biogeomorphological succession: a special focus on Populus nigra L.. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 39: 546-563. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3515 Imbert E. and Lefèvre F. (2003) Dispersal and geneflow of Populus nigra (Salicaceae) along a dynamic river system. Journal of Ecology 91: 447-456. doi: https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2745.2003.00772.x Lefebvre M., Villar M., Boizot N., Delile A., Dimouro B., Lomelech A.-M. and Teyssier, C. (2021) Variability in seeds’ physicochemical characteristics, germination and seedling growth within and between two French Populus nigra populations. arXiv, 2008.05744, ver 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer community in Forest and Wood Sciences. https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.05744 Lefèvre F., Légionnet A., de Vries S. and Turok J. (1998) Strategies for the conservation of a pioneer tree species, Populus nigra L., in Europe. Genetics, Selection, Evolution 30, S181-196. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/1297-9686-30-S1-S181 Michalak M., Plitta B.P., Tylkowski T. et al. (2015) Desiccation tolerance and cryopreservation of seeds of black poplar (Populus nigra L.), a disappearing tree species in Europe. European Journal of Forest Research 134, 53–60. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-014-0832-4 Smulder M.J.M., Beringen R., Volosyanchuk R. et al. (2008) Natural hybridisation between Populus nigra L. and P. x canadensis Moench. Hybrid offspring competes for niches along the Rhine river in the Netherlands. Tree Genetics & Genomes 4, 663–675. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11295-008-0141-5 Tinschert E., Egger G., Wendelgass J. et al. (2020) Alternate reproductive strategies of Populus nigra influence diversity, structure and successional processes within riparian woodlands along the Allier River, France. Journal of Hydro-environment research 30, 100-108. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2020.03.004 | Variability in seeds’ physicochemical characteristics, germination and seedling growth within and between two French Populus nigra L. populations | Marlène Lefebvre, Marc Villar, Nathalie Boizot, Armelle Delile, Benjamin Dimouro, Anne-Marie Lomelech, Caroline Teyssier | <p>To improve understanding of the physiology, ecology and regeneration requirements of black poplar (Populus nigra), a severely endangered tree species in Europe, we analysed the biochemical composition of seeds from 20 families derived from open... | ![]() | Tree biology and physiology | Erwin Dreyer | 2020-08-14 09:59:17 | View |
Laurent Augusto
Eric Badel
Serge Garcia